Monday, March 2, 2009

Hire Me!

Juab School DIstrict sent out a harshly worded certified letter last week to all provisional teachers informing us that our services may not be needed next year. Suffice it to say that I am worried. I feel as though am I competent and successful within my classroom, but I won't know about anything for sure until April 1st. April Fool's Day. What a horrible day to be informed of my future. Stay tuned.


Remember to Breathe said...

YEAH. I'm a little scared, too! What if they put us in an arena and make us fight it out to the death like Gladiators? Haha. Okay. Not so funny, I know. Baaaa! :(

Jamie said...

I guess this means you won't be buying your plane ticket to come and see me until April, right? Fingers are crossed for you. There is still a teaching shortage in England, FYI...